SWRPC Staff to Present on RSMS at New Hampshire Municipal Association’s Annual Conference
- November 14, 2022
On Wednesday November 16th Andrew Smeltz of SWRPC staff will lead a presentation titled “Municipal Pavement Preservation Planning and Budgeting” at the New Hampshire Municipal Association’s 81st annual conference, to be held November 16th and 17th in Manchester. Andrew will be joined in this presentation by staff from other Regional Planning Commissions (RPC) and staff from the University of New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center. Their presentation will cover the Road Surface Management System (RSMS) program that RPC’s use to assist communities with planning and budgeting for pavement repair.
The RSMS program was created by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation and made available to RPC’s to assist local communities. Through this program, RPC staff are trained on how to collect data on pavement distress and provided with technology to use for data collection and analysis. RPC staff also receive training on the fundamentals of paving and pavement repairs. RPC staff then partner with local communities, and complete the RSMS project while collaborating with local officials.
During the first phase of a RSMS project, RPC staff assess pavement quality on all Town-maintained, paved roads and then document their findings with maps and reports showing pavement condition. Then, RPC staff use a computer forecasting application to predict future pavement conditions and future repair costs. All of this information is documented in a comprehensive final report, delivered to community officials at the completion of the project. This report provides local officials with data and information they can use to plan and implement effective pavement management on their road network.
For more information on the SWRPC RSMS program, contact Andrew Smeltz of SWRPC staff at (603) 357-0557.