Hazard Mitigation

Why Update the Hazard Mitigation Plan?

Purpose: A local Hazard Mitigation Plan is a plan to help to identify properties, structures and populations that are at risk during a hazard event and take cost-effective actions ahead of time to minimize the impact. 

Goal: The planning process seeks to reduce future losses from hazards before they occur.

The plans are funded by FEMA through a grant that is administered by NH Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM).  These funds cover the cost of plan preparation and are eligible to the town every 5 years.  Towns are required to maintain an updated Hazard Mitigation Plan to remain eligible to receive funding through various federal assistance programs.  Examples of potential funding include projects such as culvert upsizing, generators for the Emergency Operations Center, bank stabilization, etc.

There are also benefits to having an updated Plan in place such as:

  • understanding the potential for loss reduction in future events;
  • the establishment of priorities for loss prevention;
  • reduction of social, emotional and economic disruption caused by disasters; and,
  • assignment of responsibilities for agreed upon mitigation initiatives.

Benefits that SWRPC can offer:

  • The contract for the Plan update is directly between NH HSEM and SWRPC.  The Town would not be the Grantee and therefore, is not responsible for any reporting or invoicing.  Utilizing SWRPC represents a reduced burden on Town staff as the reporting and documentation can be time consuming.
  • Direct access to data, plans and studies such as local master plans, culvert inventories, etc. to provide detailed information in support of the effort.
  • Long term storage of the Plan and quick access to it and/or staff support when needed.

A relatively quick approval by FEMA due to our professional experience, knowledge of our communities, and a proven track record of preparing high-quality plan updates.

Resources & Helpful Links

Contact Information

Southwest Region Planning Commission - Staff
