The Monadnock Region is known for its abundance of places for children and residents of all ages and abilities to get outside. Access to these resources support community and individual well-being through increasing residents’ physical activity, supporting mental health, and fostering community and social interactions. The Monadnock Region Parks and Play project is to increase physical activity and prevent obesity in children up to age five through increased access to parks and play spaces near where they live and learn. Through support from the New Hampshire Children’s Health Foundation, SWRPC furthered this goal in two ways: through an inventory of parks and places to play and a resource guide.

Outdoor Recreation Resource Map

The Outdoor Recreation Resource Map resource was created and developed by Monadnock Outdoors to highlight a variety of recreational opportunities around the region. Monadnock Parks and Play enhanced and updated this existing resource. To help us improve this map, use the community data collection form and follow the instructions for adding or updating sites. The map will be updated periodically based on community responses.

Municipal Resource Guide

This guide is designed to provide municipalities and community stakeholders with recommendations for improving existing and developing new parks and play spaces.  Rather than providing an all-inclusive set of planning and design standards, this guide provides an overview of the essential elements necessary to creating fully utilized parks and play spaces that are integrated into a community’s vision, culture and built environment and foster:

For more information, please contact Terry Johnson at SWRPC at 603-357-0557 or [email protected].
