
Transportation affects us all on a daily basis. The functionality and sound operation of the region’s transportation system impacts whether residents can access jobs and shopping destinations, medical and social services, and educational and extra-curricular activities, as well as whether our businesses can compete in local, regional and global markets. Our transportation system also has long-term consequences, like how land is developed, how much greenhouse gas is emitted into the atmosphere, and how many lives are lost on our roads and streets.

SWRPC’s transportation planning program considers all of these factors in order to promote regional transportation goals, as articulated in our long-range transportation plan:


Support and enhance the regional economy.


Preserve and enhance natural, cultural and historic resources.


Provide people of all ages and abilities timely access to goods, services, recreation, entertainment, and companionship.


Eliminate fatalities and injuries as well as provide reassurance to the traveling public that they are safe.

We pursue these goals through a wide array of activities. For example, our Transportation Advisory Committee serves as a key regional voice for communicating with the New Hampshire Department of Transportation about local, state and federal transportation policy matters, setting regional transportation policies and goals, and for prioritizing the allocation of funds within the Ten Year Plan and for discretionary federal grant programs. Our traffic research program helps collect data on how many and what types of vehicles are using our roadways—key metrics for improving the transportation network’s safety and efficiency. Explore our other transportation program areas via the program area menu.

Our transportation planning staff also provides tailored technical assistance to member municipalities and other partners regarding local transportation-related needs including but not limited to assistance on grant applications, master plan transportation chapter updates, bicycle, pedestrian or transit planning, asset management and capital improvement planning, and more. If there’s a transportation issue in your community where you think we could help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
