Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan

NH State Laws, RSA 228:99 and RSA 240 mandate that the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) propose a plan every two years to maintain and improve the State’s transportation system. This plan, known as the Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan or simply the Ten Year Plan, sets the agenda for infrastructure improvements over the period of a decade based on anticipated federal and state transportation revenue projections. The Ten Year Plan outlines which roads will be reconstructed, which intersections will receive safety improvements, which bridges will be repaired, and more. Once NHDOT proposes an update to the plan, a number of public hearings are held around the state to solicit public comment by the Governor’s Advisory Council for Intermodal Transportation. The NH Legislature then votes to approve the plan and the NH Governor subsequently signs it into law.

SWRPC, through its Transportation Advisory Committee plays an important role in determining regional transportation priorities for inclusion in the Ten Year Plan. SWRPC staff and the TAC conduct a project solicitation process each time the Ten Year Plan is updated. The TAC then evaluates proposals, prioritizes them and submits those priorities to NHDOT, who then incorporates regional priorities into its statewide ranking process.

Once projects are accepted into the Ten Year Plan, SWRPC plays an important role in monitoring project development and implementation by taking part in the State Transportation Improvement Program interagency consultation process with NHDOT, other state and federal agencies and other regional planning commissions.

SWRPC staff is here to help guide municipalities through the Ten Year Plan proposal process. We can perform studies and collect data to diagnose transportation issues and needs, provide feedback on project concepts, act as a liaison to NHDOT staff, help identify complementary funding sources, and monitor project implementation. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
