Activities under this program focus on supporting the needs of local boards on planning-related activities. Such local boards typically include Planning Boards, Board of Selectmen, Conservation Commissions, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. SWRPC’s local planning assistance staff stays informed on best planning practices and are often familiar with how neighboring communities approached similar issues, which can help your community avoid reinventing the wheel. In cases where SWRPC does not have information, staff can make referrals to other experts or perform limited research on behalf of your community. Be on the lookout for webinars and other training opportunities sponsored by SWRPC or its partner organizations by subscribing to our Happenings e-mail distribution list.
Assistance in updating or rewriting local master plans is a popular activity under this program. SWRPC staff has assisted the Towns of Chesterfield and Greenville with complete master plan updates and has recently assisted the Towns of Langdon, Swanzey, and Walpole with partial updates.

An Example in Master Planning
The Town of Chesterfield Master Plan, last updated in 2016, serves as a guiding document on key planning topics such as land use, transportation, natural resources, economic development, and more. It includes a range of data and information intended to inform local policy and decision making. It also serves as an aspirational document, helping to articulate a common vision for the community’s future.
SWRPC’s experienced staff can also provide technical assistance and guidance on general municipal planning matters such as site plan reviews, subdivision reviews, capital improvement program development, ordinance and regulation development, or other topics.