Emergency Management Planning
Hazard Mitigation Plans
From road washouts to ice storms to pandemics, many communities in the Southwest Region have faced unexpected emergency management issues. Through the development of hazard mitigation plans, SWRPC staff provide support services to communities wishing to be more disaster resistant by identifying vulnerabilities to natural, human-caused and technological hazards and securing eligibility to apply for federal funding to implement high priority strategies. The intent of a hazard mitigation plan is to reduce the loss of life and property during hazard events by identifying and implementing strategies before the event occurs. SWRPC has assisted towns with developing or updating 84 hazard mitigation plans since the program began in 2000.
Example plans:

Emergency Operation Plans
In addition to providing assistance to communities on reducing the impact of natural, human-caused and technological hazards, SWRPC provides assistance to Towns with updating or developing a local emergency operations plan (formerly called emergency management plan). The emergency operations plan (EOP) helps a town develop a chain of command, define roles and responsibilities, and help to maintain order and efficiency during a hazard event.

The Town of Walpole Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) establishes a framework for the local government and its partners to provide assistance in an expeditious manner in event of a perceived, potential or actual disaster or emergency. The town appreciates the continuing cooperation and support from all departments and agencies and from the volunteer and private organizations which have contributed to the local level of preparedness and to the development of this plan. The town continually works alongside these entities to address the responsibilities outlined in this EOP, provide a forum for discussion and an opportunity to participate in planning and exercise activities to help ensure the local prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation capabilities are effective and efficient.