Electric vehicle at Commercial Street parking lot in Keene

NHDOT, NHDES, SWRPC Seek Responses for EV Charging Survey

  • April 2, 2024
  • Transportation
Ribbon cutting ceremony for EV chargers at the Monadnock Food Co-Op in Keene, New Hampshire. Photo credits: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.

SWRPC is committed to monitoring and working to help the development of a strong network of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE, better known as EV chargers) in southwest New Hampshire. EVSE is anticipated to expand regional economic opportunity by making the region more of a dependable destination for business and tourism travel as well as provide opportunities for the regional population interested in adopting EVs. In March 2024, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) and New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) shared that they are considering submitting a joint statewide proposal to develop EVSE charging stations through the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) grant program.

CFI is administered by the U. S. Federal Highway Administration through two programs: Alternative Fuel Corridor grants, which target charger development along major highways, as well as Community Charging and Fueling grants, which are designed to fill in the charging network outside of alternative fuel corridors. The NHDES and NHDOT proposal would target Community Charging and Fueling funding through the CFI program.

CFI funding is particularly relevant for the Monadnock Region as there are currently only two alternative fuel corridors that pass through the 34-community service area: NH Route 9 and NH Route 101. Therefore, to develop a comprehensive network of EV infrastructure, CFI funding would help distribute federal funds to communities throughout the region that are not served by NH Routes 9 and 101.

To help develop this proposal, NHDES and NHDOT have requested that New Hampshire’s Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) develop a list of sites within their regions where they know there is interest in charger development. These sites may be municipally or privately owned and can host a flexible number of chargers depending on the desires of the property owners. Including a site in the potential joint proposal would be non-binding but may help prioritize where funding could be allocated in a successful bid.

SWRPC is eager to hear from respondents about possible sites for new EVSE development and would like to use this opportunity to gather more information about how we can better support regional stakeholders on the subject. If you have candidate sites to share, or would like to suggest how SWRPC can better support the development of EVSE in our region, please take the following survey: https://forms.office.com/r/PXWNGr89dr. For more information, please contact Jason Cooper of SWRPC staff at [email protected].
