Intersection Conflict Warning Systems – Public Survey

  • November 17, 2023
  • Transportation

Have you noticed a new addition to the roadway infrastructure at the intersection of NH Routes 9 and 63 in Chesterfield or where NH 101 and 123 meet Old Street Road in Peterborough?  The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) is conducting a 3-year pilot program to study Intersection Conflict Warning Systems (ICWS) around the state.  These two locations in the Monadnock Region are currently hosting these new devices as part of the study to assess their effectiveness at reducing crashes and gather public input on driver perceptions.  An online survey is available for community members to voice their thoughts, concerns, and experiences at

ICWS are a low-cost alternative to traditional traffic signals designed for use on rural roadways.  These automated, real-time signaling devices are used to warn drivers on the through lanes of the presence of traffic at stop-controlled cross streets and warn drivers at stop-controlled approaches of the presence of traffic on the through lanes.  They employ vehicle detectors to alert oncoming motorists with a flashing message and yellow light that indicates they are entering a roadway with approaching or cross traffic. 

Results from similar studies on ICWS conducted around the country are promising.  Research from the Federal Highway Administration and US Department of Transportation found that implementing these systems significantly reduced crashes of almost all types at applicable intersections. 

NHDOT plans to use the results of this pilot program to inform future decisions around ICWS installation.  Please take the brief online survey (link above) to help them gauge public opinion and understanding of these devices now that they have been deployed!
