Spofford Lake

Energy and Natural Resources Advisory Committee Update

  • December 21, 2020
  • Natural Resources

On December 15th SWRPC’s Energy and Natural Resources Advisory Committee (ENRAC) met with a focus on watershed planning projects currently underway and opportunities for new projects. Joining in the discussion were Tracie Sales and Jeff Marcoux of the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) along with Bayard Tracy, President of the Spofford Lake Association. SWRPC is in its second year of a project to implement best management practices for stormwater management at several locations within the Spofford Lake watershed. Some of the sites have already completed projects to reduce the amount of stormwater from entering the lake while others will be completing projects in 2021. SWRPC will soon begin a project in Alstead to implement actions identified in the Lake Warren Watershed Management Plan. In addition, a presentation was given by Francise Von Mertens, ENRAC member from Peterborough, introducing the recently published Nature Almanac and Calendar.

Learn more about the ENRAC here.
