Antrim Complete Streets Project

  • May 16, 2024
  • Transportation

Through support from the Monadnock Alliance for Sustainable Transportation and SWRPC, the Town of Antrim is currently working to better understand road safety and accessibility issues and to develop a town policy to guide transportation-related improvements over time. This “Complete Streets” policy envisions a road network designed to enable safe access for all users, including people driving, walking, and biking. Each “Complete Street” will look different depending on where it is and what the street is used for. Design elements may include things like sidewalks, off-street paths, bike lanes or paved shoulders, new or improved pedestrian crossings, or other changes depending on the context of who, how, and why people tend to use the street.

Over the next few months, staff from SWRPC will:

As part of the process, a task force of town staff and officials have developed two ways to learn about Antrim road user concerns: a survey and a map exercise.

In the online survey (, Antrim’s task force will hear road users’ perceptions of safety and how people get around in town.

Using an interactive website (, Antrim road users can mark a map according to the following choices:

Together, this information will be used to make road safety improvements over time. Both input opportunities will be available until June 16th. For other questions or comments about this project, please contact Jason Cooper, Planner, at 603-357-0557 or [email protected].
