US 202 North Corridor Meeting on 1/4/23 at 6:30 p.m.
- December 20, 2022
- Transportation,
On Wednesday January 4, 2023 at 6:30 pm, SWRPC will hold a virtual meeting to discuss the US 202 Transportation Corridor. This Corridor is one of eight major transportation corridors in the Southwest NH Region, facilitating north-south traffic movements between Peterborough and Antrim. In addition to US 202 this Corridor also includes portions of NH 123, 136, and 31 as well as non-numbered routes in Peterborough, Greenfield, Hancock, Bennington, and Antrim – the five Towns identified as part of the Corridor. This Corridor is important for commuting, tourism, commerce, and other reasons. Regionally, this Corridor is important to the eastern part of the Southwest Region because it provides a connection between the NH 9 East Corridor to the north and the US 202 South Corridor and NH 101 East Corridor to the south.

Is this Corridor part of your regular commute? Do you feel that improvements and investments are necessary on this Corridor to improve traveler safety, convenience or comfort? Do you wish there were better transportations options in this area such as enhanced public transit? Would you like to see improved conditions for cyclists and pedestrians?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, we encourage you to attend this meeting. At the meeting, SWRPC will present information about existing conditions on the Corridor and then facilitate a series of short discussions and take feedback from meeting participants regarding transportation challenges, opportunities for improvements and project ideas. Comments and local knowledge from users of the Corridor are critical for understanding our Region’s transportation needs, and comments will be used to inform the update of SWRPC’s Long Range Transportation Plan, Southwest Connects.
This meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday January 4, 2022 at 6:30 pm. To join the meeting go to:
Meeting Link: https://bit.ly/Jan4SWCon202N2023
Meeting ID: 865 7993 4163
Passcode: 091038
We hope to see you there!