Learn More About the Project

The Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) is an ongoing state-mandated requirement for all nine regional planning commissions in NH per RSA 36:47.II. The purpose of the RHNA, which is required to be updated every five years, is to assess “the regional need for housing for persons and families of all levels of income.”  In 2022 and 2023, SWRPC gathered housing-related information for the RHNA for Southwest NH, working in coordination with the other NH regional planning commissions and the State Office of Planning and Development to leverage each other’s resources and advance a unified approach to determine housing needs across the State. Our work included gathering and analyzing datasets on housing and socio-economic demographics, from the US Census and other sources. We also collected information from the general public and local and regional experts, such as planning boards, developers, social service agencies, property managers and more. Outreach strategies included surveys, one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and conversations on the topic of housing in our Region. The 2023 RHNA, wove quantitative and qualitative data together to tell the story of housing in our Region. The final report contains tools, strategies, and recommendations for local decision-makers to address the housing emergency in our Region.  
