Broadband Challenge Process Closes August 14th

  • July 26, 2024
  • Broadband


July 26, 2024


Henry Underwood, SWRPC

603-357-0557 x 18 or [email protected]

New Hampshire’s BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program) Challenge Process launched on July 15th and closes on August 14th. It is a critical opportunity for local governments and non-profits to ensure the accuracy of locations served, underserved and unserved by broadband. It is also the last chance to review and update the list of known Community Anchor Institutions (e.g. schools, libraries, faith-based organizations, public safety entities). The results will be used as the basis for allocating almost $200 million in funding across the State.

There will not be another opportunity to identify unserved, underserved, broadband locations and Community Achor Institutions to be eligible for funding. Entities permitted to submit challenges are limited to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Units of Local or Tribal Governments, and non-profit organizations. However, the general public can submit comments that can be accessed and used by eligible entities to make challenges on their behalf.

SWRPC encourages all eligible Challengers to participate in the process. To get started, consult the BEAD Challenge Process website for more information. Direct questions to the New Hampshire Office of Broadband Initiatives at [email protected].

For more than a decade, Southwest Region Planning Commission (SWRPC) has supported a variety of broadband initiatives including the Southwest New Hampshire Broadband Plan, the Monadnock Broadband Group, the Monadnock Region Broadband Implementation Guide, and the Monadnock Region Digital Literacy and Access Needs Assessment. To learn more about SWRPC’s role in addressing internet connectivity, visit
